Commission on Tephra Hazard Modeling

Special volume in the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research

Special volume in the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research

The Commission supported a special volume in the Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research presenting results of the eruption column model inter-comparison study. View the special issue here.

The accurate description of the dynamics of convective plumes developed during explosive volcanic eruptions represents one of the most crucial and intriguing challenges in volcanology. Eruptive plume dynamics are significantly affected by complex interactions with the surrounding atmosphere, in the case of both strong eruption columns, rising vertically above the tropopause, and weak volcanic plumes, developing within the troposphere and often following bended trajectories. The understanding of eruptive plume dynamics is pivotal for estimating mass flow rates of volcanic sources, a crucial aspect for tephra dispersion models used to assess aviation safety and tephra fallout hazard. For these reasons, several eruption column models have been developed in the past decades, including the more recent sophisticated computational fluid dynamic models.

This volume presents results of the eruption column model inter-comparison study promoted by the International Association of Volcanology and Chemistry of Earth’s Interior (IAVCEI) Commission on Tephra Hazard Modelling.

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IVESPA database
Commission on Tephra Hazard Modeling

IVESPA database

Open-source article published in JVGR documenting results of the Working Group on Eruption Source Parameters and the new IVESPA database

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IAVCEI workshop on Santorini Volcano
Commission on Tephra Hazard Modeling

IAVCEI workshop on Santorini Volcano

IAVCEI workshop on Santorini Volcano, organised jointly by the Commission on Explosive Volcanism and the Commission on Tephra Hazard Modelling, and associated with Cities on Volcanoes 2020. DUE TO COVID-19, THIS MEETING HAS BEEN CANCELED. WE ARE WORKING ON OTHER OPTIONS…

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THM Commission sponsored a scientific symposium
Commission on Tephra Hazard Modeling

THM Commission sponsored a scientific symposium

The THM Commission sponsored a scientific symposium at the Cities on Volcanoes 2018 meeting in Naples, Italy. Session S01.26 Volcanic ash: from monitoring to impacts. Conveners: Takahiro Miwa | National Res. Inst. for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience (NIED), Costanza Bonadonna | Université de Genève, Nobuo Geshi…

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